

We strongly believe that patients should feel a genuine connection with their medical provider.

Experience and qualifications are essential, but they don't guarantee a positive patient experience.

We are committed to dedicating as much time as necessary to ensure our patients fully understand their treatment options and feel supported at every step of their journey.

We encourage all questions—there are no "too many" or "dumb" questions here. We see ourselves as partners with our patients in making healthcare decisions and managing their care. Ultimately, our patients' testimonials speak more eloquently about our service than we ever could.

X-rays revealed that David had arthritis in his right knee and was close to having bone-on-bone contact in his joint. He stated that it was very difficult for him to stand or do many activities due to the pain. He especially missed riding his bike and the only thing that alleviated his pain was to simply sit and stay seated. David had tried acupuncture, CBD gel, and over-the-counter meds. After only two Hyaluronic acid injections and fitted with a custom knee brace, Davidís pain level has been greatly reduced.


- Retired Construction Engineer

Happy Patients

What our patients say

Delve into genuine testimonials from our patients, sourced from Google, Tebra (Todd & Olga), and Yelp!

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